It’s hard to believe seed starting time is here but giving your seedlings a head start will lead to a successful growing season. Starting seeds indoors can be quite overwhelming at first but with a little experience and research it can be extremely gratifying. Here are a few general tips for the novice seed starter…. [Read More]
HNH Species Stockyard – Enviro Commitment
HNH Species Stockyard – Enviro Commitment & Remediation Obligation HNH will acquire native plants, seeds, cutting and root divisions from the Native Species Stockyard. HNH will use plants and seeds which have originated locally along with “Adopted Heritage Plants.” HNH will make the best effort not to transport and plant locally adapted seed more than… [Read More]
Seed Freedom
Today, Helping Nature Heal joins the 2012 Global Citizens’ Alliance for Seed Freedom. The organization Navdanya is founded by Dr. Vandana Shiva, who came to Nova Scotia earlier this year. Vandana Shiva fights for Earth Democracy– a combination of nature and human rights. Seed freedom is at the heart of her work because seed patenting… [Read More]