Spring Has Sprung
By Autumn Hebb
Spring has officially sprung and that means warmer weather, Spring showers and all the lovely May flowers!
If you’re like me, you somewhat cocoon in the colder months, drink lots of hot beverages, watch a wide array of movies/shows, try to relax as much as possible, and enjoy cozy time with friends and family! I love winter and am still quite active outdoors, going for walks, sledding, and playing with my pup but I cannot deny my affinity for waking up from my so-called ‘winter hibernation’ to take in the vibrancy, renewal and growth all around me in May.
I love the sound of warm spring showers on my metal roof and yearn for the many giggles while puddle jumping with the little ones in my life this time of year. I live in a rural area with a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees of varied ages and wetlands. The flourishing of life all around me is evident from the undeniable radiancy and foliage of plant life popping up one by one, to the variety of birds (robin, blue jay, chickadee, woodpecker, finch, sparrow, mourning dove, barred owl, and duck, to name a few) calling out at all times of day, soaring overhead and finding materials for their nests or hunting for their next meal. It’s truly wonderful to just pause for a moment to take in the change of seasons and appreciate all the living things that surround us and connect with them, our kin.
Mayflower, taken on a walk in a forest by my house on a rainy spring day. It is a symbol of new beginnings.
Treasured Moments
Some of my most treasured moments in spring include simply spending time on my patio with a nice cup of coffee or tea in the crisp but pleasant morning air/fog. I also enjoy coming home from work to run and roll around in my yard with my pup and cool down later with a nice glass of kombucha, while basking in the delicious aroma of fresh skewers on the bbq!! This time of year makes me want to go for walks and check out the plants around me, go hiking and camping, and travel to new spots in the Maritimes I haven’t been to yet – May feels so fresh and full of life and I’m so ready for it!
Sarge calmly laying down after some major zoomies on the lawn!
YUMMY skewers on the grill!
When I was a little girl, my father, brother and I always tilled and tended to a garden about 12x24ft in our back yard. I have many memories walking bare foot in the evenings to water the rows with my father’s old watering cans that he had as a boy, trying not to spill and sinking into the soft earth with each step. I can recall being so fascinated by the change from the beginning stages of seed starting to the latter part, my favourite – harvest time!! Rolling my t-shirt into a basket for my peas and radishes, picking with one hand and eating the fresh goodness in another, there’s truly nothing like it, until I tasted my mom’s homemade hodgepodge for the first time that is…
Of course, I can’t deny my affinity for putting my hands back into the soil around this time of year and planting my peas, carrots, kale, potatoes, radishes… and eagerly awaiting that oh so familiar and yummy harvest to come! In more recent years, our gardens have become raised beds, pots and planters, and see transplants as well but as much as I miss our old garden, these slight transformations sure are easier to tend to, and highlight how easy it is to adapt to your space (be it urban or rural) and your abilities as life unfolds, without losing out on the enriching experience!
Something to note is I’ve recently purchased and started referencing a biodynamic calendar to be more harmonious with my land and optimize my planting and harvesting practices (you can check these out and order one for yourself at Helping Nature Heal’s Shop: https://helpingnaturehealshop.com/products/bio-dynamic-calender-2024 ).
Recent years – raised beds
Seasonal Foods and Local Markets
Embracing seasonal and local eating as well as trying new foods is something that can be challenging at times, especially if you haven’t done so before but oh, is it ever worth it. There’s such an abundance of local fresh foods in season right now and they’re perfect in so many dishes! Most include: arugula, asparagus, beet greens, various herbs, garlic scapes, green onion, kale, lettuce, mushrooms, microgreens, mustard Greens, napini, peas, pea shoots, radishes, rhubarb, salad turnips, spinach, and strawberries. I especially love adding a micro green to a grilled steak and feta sandwich on focaccia, or to a turkey, apple and brie grilled wrap. Anything to add some colour and flare to my food is always welcomed but nothing beats fresh local food.
Perhaps you’ve been wanting to pop by a local farmers market in your area but haven’t felt comfortable going out of your comfort zone or things just haven’t lined up with your scheduled yet. Well, my take is to start small, do some research first; check out Farmers Markets of Nova Scotia to sign up for their newsletter and find a market near you on their map (https://farmersmarketsnovascotia.ca/). Believe it or not but some markets are year-round (like the Halifax Seaport Farmers Market) and others are seasonal (like the Bridgewater Farmers Market, starting back up May 11).
See if you can plan a grocery list in advance and go at a time that aligns with your schedule, perhaps you have littles, well that’s perfect, as there’s usually live music, yummy treats and lunch, and fun activities for families. Also, it might be wise to go earlier in the morning before all the hustle and bustle if you’re worried about a loud crowd. Maybe try to bring your partner or a friend to try something new together, I brought my family the first time and it helped to have someone familiar to experience things together – it’s like going to the grocery store but better, much much better. People are nicer, the food is fresher, and you leave feeling like you’re actually supporting and are part of your community. That is something that has understandably become more difficult in recent years, so lets change that! Think about gift cards to local markets as gifts for loved ones this year, start chatting about your experiences, and lets all start truly supporting our local economy!
Some Favourite Seasonal Recipes
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There is so much to love about May, each year brings an abundance of life, of familiarity, yet like the mayflower, promise of new beginnings. Here’s hoping you pop by your nearest Farmers Market if you haven’t yet and in trying a new recipe with fresh local foods. Have a lovely May and enjoy all that this spring has to offer, including health, great food and fond memories with loved ones.