HNH Species Stockyard – Enviro Commitment & Remediation Obligation
- HNH will acquire native plants, seeds, cutting and root divisions from the Native Species Stockyard.
- HNH will use plants and seeds which have originated locally along with “Adopted Heritage Plants.”
- HNH will make the best effort not to transport and plant locally adapted seed more than 250 km from a collection site.
- Where tree seeds are used, HNH will grow on, in a zone-specific manner.
- Where specific plants are not available at the Native Species Stockyard, HNH will purchase from reputable specialty native plant nurseries locally.
- In cases where trained individuals collect wild seed, no more than 10% of a seed crop should be collected from a healthy population of many individuals, and from several plants of the same species.
- HNH will leave the remainder for natural dispersal and as food for wildlife.
- HNH will give preference to regional native plant species in our garden and landscape plans, rather than exotic/ornamental species.
- HNH will promote cultivation and propagation of local native plants as an educational and conservation measure to supplement the preservation of natural habitat.
- HNH will keep accurate records of regionally rare flora we are growing to increase our understanding of the biology of the species, we will offer information to specialists/scientists regionally.