On The Edge
Helping Nature Heal's Blog
Let’s Leave the Leaves!
By: Rosslyn MacKay and Dawn Slack It’s the first week of autumn and...
Green World Hypothesis
Why is the planet green? What if I told you that the answer to this question...
The BIG Impact of Living Shorelines
The impact that Helping Nature Heal makes on our shorelines is so big, it can be...
As many of you know, HNH partnered with the St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship...
‘Tis the Season for Winter Protection
This time of year we begin to place brush, hay bales and leaves around the...
Preparing for Storms
With a hurricane in the forecast for this weekend, we have created a short list...
Top 5 Tips for September
As the leaves begin to turn yellow and orange and the morning air turns crisp...
Abundance Fertilizer
Kelp is one of the most valuable soil and plant supplements in the world. It...